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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tiger Woods Scandal !!! where is the truth ?

The Tiger Woods scandal !!!!!

I think this scandal has been powered by silence and mistresses .!!

Until yesterday. At last, the Tiger Woods scandal got a decisive comment from Woods himself !!!!
, which served as the confession most wanted to hear.

Of course, he didn't get too specific about his "transgressions" and continued to demand for privacy.((It's my OWN life ,...,...,iI need some privacy ,...Don't disturb me ,....bla bla bla))))

But the Tiger Woods scandal is now a little closer toward the end, as soon as his mistresses stop talking.

What really made the scandal go on so long was the golf legend's denial. As more and more conflicting details came out about the car accident, and about Woods' alleged affairs, the calls for a response were deafening. Though he maintained privacy, the details and evidence finally became tooooooooooo much.

While the media debated on whether he still had a right to privacy or no !

, SHE came forward to give them actual evidence.

After that, the scandal became too loud to ignore, so Woods gave the press their statement, and his quasi-confession.

Though he wouldn't go into any detail about the affairs, and the women, it may be all that the press will get from him. As such, now that he admitted to some of this, the Tiger Woods scandal has a much shorter shelf-life. :D

Now that the debate over whether he should talk is over, most of the legitimate media seem ready to give him that privacy. His famous friends still stand by him, as do his corporate sponsors, so there isn't too much need for him to speak anymore.

Though the scandal isn't quite over, Tiger Woods now has more breathing room. He doesn't have to play golf again until January 2010, and by then, the alleged mistresses should have exhausted their 15 minutes. Whether his family will still be intact by then is unclear, but he can focus on that task more clearly.

Woods himself no longer has any reason to talk, but that won't stop the mistresses and TMZ.

I think the Woods gang should then rest until he returns to the links.


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